Foot-and-Mouth Disease


On April 20, 2010, the first cases in that year’s outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) were confirmed in 16 cattle at a farm in the town of Tsuno-cho, Koyu-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture. In the four months from then until August 27, the day the Miyazaki governor officially announced the end of the outbreak, some 290,000 head of livestock were slaughtered to prevent further spread of the disease. The media reported on this 2010 Miyazaki FMD outbreak on a day-to-day basis and with a wealth of graphic images.

FMD is a highly contagious disease caused by infection with the foot-and-mouth disease virus. Though thought to have existed for over 2,000 years, throughout history the disease was not regarded as a significant problem until the latter half of the nineteenth century, when, with the burgeoning of the international livestock trade, FMD-infected livestock began to be slaughtered to avert the socioeconomic damage they could cause.

My decision to address FMD as a theme of my work stems from the strong emotional impact the disease has had on me despite my having no direct experience of the damage it causes. This is related to my having labored under the illusion that the information disseminated by the media represents all the facts of the matter. I decided that, in order to test the veracity of that impression, I needed to do my own information gathering at the actual scene of the outbreak.

The walls of the FMD-affected cowsheds I visited were still marked from having been sprayed with lime disinfectant to prevent the disease’s spread. To my eyes, those marks of lime seemed to echo the feelings of the affected farmers. In striking contrast to the tragic scenes I had imagined on the basis of media reports, the interiors of the cowsheds were entirely devoid of animals’ cries and even of their smell. Only a hushed, starkly white, coldly inorganic scene remains etched in my memory.

As neither a victim of the outbreak nor a journalist covering it, I can do nothing but gaze at what I see before me and record it in photographs. For the work titled “Foot-and-mouth Disease,” I have photographed marks left from the spraying of lime. There are no images of the kind I saw in media coverage of the outbreak, not even of any workers in white protective suits carrying out the disinfection.

I value what I experience directly—what I actually see with my own eyes and what I feel in that moment. Like the content of media reports, the lime markings that I photographed represent only a fragment of the reality. Nonetheless, I hope that, by presenting these images as works of art, I can inspire questions and interest among those who view them.


 口蹄疫とは、口蹄疫ウイルス(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus)による感染力が強い伝染病である。口蹄疫は2000年以上前からあったとされ、当時はあまり問題視されていなかったが、19世紀後半に家畜の国際貿易が盛んになり、口蹄疫にかかった家畜は、社会経済に被害を与えるために、殺処分されるようになった。



 被害者でもなく、マスメディアでもない私にできることは、目の前の事象を見つめ、写真で記録することでしかない。作品「Foot-and-Mouth Disease」では、石灰の散布された跡を撮影した。そこには、マスメディアを通して見たような、白い防護服姿の作業員の消毒作業すらも写されてはいない。


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